Sprouted Cookie Cashew Butter



Savor the guilt-free delight of our all-natural Sprouted Cashew Butter, a luscious blend that captures the essence of a sugar cookie. We prioritize your well-being by sprouting cashews, enhancing digestibility and nutrient absorption. Crafted without additives, it's a wholesome treat that elevates taste while promoting digestive health. Indulge in the rich, natural goodness of our Sprouted Cashew Butter.

Why choose our cashew butter?

  • Digestive Bliss: Sprouted cashews aid digestion, promoting a happy and balanced gut.
  • Nutrient Rich: Packed with essential nutrients, our butter supports overall well-being.
  • Mindful Ingredients: Every jar is a blend of carefully chosen, organic, and Ayurvedic-approved ingredients.
  • Sugar Cookie Magic: Experience the irresistible taste of a sugar cookie without compromising your health.

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